Our actions define us, so rather than talking about what we would like to be, we show who we are. We work with companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint through real and measurable actions that are fully transparent. All our suppliers guarantee the rights of their workers, as well as their maximum involvement in the challenge of reducing industrial pollution.
Our actions define us, so rather than talking about what we would like to be, we show who we are. We work with companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint through real and measurable actions that are fully transparent. All our suppliers guarantee the rights of their workers, as well as their maximum involvement in the challenge of reducing industrial pollution.
Mass consumption and the so-called Fast Fashion industry is one of the main causes of pollution to our ecosystems. Some of the main clothing brands buy this material from highly polluting factories in countries such as Indonesia, China or India. Places where hazardous chemical waste is systematically generated and extremely toxic gases are emitted.
The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions and produces around 20% of the world’s wastewater. It is the second most polluting industry after oil, consuming more energy than aviation and shipping combined.
At Pannotia we are committed to sustainable consumption and production, promoting the efficient use of resources and energy that do not harm the environment, whilst creating green jobs that are fairly paid with good working conditions.
We produce in small batches, to order, without the need to generate overstock.
The Citizens’ Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022
The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022 is a document with strategic value and inspirational will that serves as a reference framework for all citizen organisations that want to contribute to the improvement of Barcelona. The Commitment establishes 10 major objectives, each with 10 lines of action, for the 2022 horizon. The committed organisations are currently made up of more than a thousand companies, educational centres and institutions.
To stop climate change we need to stop deforestation
Climate change is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is the most important. Did you know that deforestation is responsible for 17% of CO2 emissions?The Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022 is a document with strategic value and inspirational will that serves as a reference framework for all citizen organisations that want to contribute to the improvement of Barcelona. The Commitment establishes 10 major objectives, each with 10 lines of action, for the 2022 horizon. The committed organisations are currently made up of more than a thousand companies, educational centres and institutions.
El Compromiso Ciudadano por la Sostenibilidad 2012-2022
El Compromiso Ciudadano por la Sostenibilidad 2012-2022 es un documento con valor estratégico y voluntad inspiradora que sirve de marco de referencia para todas las organizaciones ciudadanas que quieran contribuir a la mejora de Barcelona. El Compromiso establece 10 grandes objetivos, cada uno con 10 líneas de acción, en el horizonte de 2022.Las organizaciones comprometidas se integran en la , formada actualmente por más de un millar de entidades, empresas, centros educativos e instituciones. El propósito es conseguir los objetivos del Compromiso con la suma de las acciones de todos los miembros de la red.
Para parar el cambio climático necesitamos parar la deforestación
El Cambio Climático está causado por la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, de los cuales el CO2 es el más importante. ¿Sabías que la deforestación es responsable del 17% de las emisiones de CO2?
Climate change is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is the most important. Did you know that deforestation is responsible for 17% of CO2 emissions?